Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Back home again

We were evacuated around 3pm yesterday/Monday. Ann, Jamie, Cookie and Candy headed down to our friend Bill's house in University Park. Jim stuck around the house until about 9pm then met up with us and spent the night down there. THANKS so much Bill!!! After a nice breakfast out (where we ran into another co-worker) we got back to Bill's house and got the news at a noon press conference that Scripps Ranch is back open again. So we headed home and are glad to be here!

Schools are closed for the rest of the week, Ann's office closed at least until tomorrow (the fires are still in the Del Mar area near the office).

We'll email some updates as well and may post again later - Jim took some pictures of the fires in Poway just north of us after dark last night.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey you guys! We have been thinking of you a lot this week. Thanks for posting updates on your blog so we know how you are doing. Hang in there. You are in our prayers. Love -- Gretchen, Ken, Leo and Noah Penny (Houston, TX)