Saturday, October 27, 2007

Fun after a long week

We had a little fun tonight after the long week of fires and disruptions...

We attended Jim W and John's annual Halloween Party. They have a great house overlooking Mission Valley, with multiple levels of decks and a fabulous party bar and patio downstairs. We met up with old and new friends and almost everyone was dressed up for Halloween. Check out our costumes below.
Jim = pirate. Jamie = Lady Bug. Story behind that... every year up till this one, she's been a Disney princess of some sort. This year she's outgrown the princesses. Since our little dog Candy is going to be a bumblebee, Jamie decided on a Lady Bug costume to complement Candy's costume. Ann = Lindsay Lohan (sort of). My intent was to be Lindsay (you know that "famous" photo from May where she was passed out in the car?)? Anyway, I decided that would be fun to do and a friend suggested I should play up the DUI aspect and make a cardboard box "car" to go along with the outfit. Sooo... thinking it would be a couple of hours, I proceeded to spend about 5 hours on Saturday making a Halloween "car costume." And bought the blond wig to be Lindsay. But then even with the extra make-up and wig, Jamie told me that I looked nothing like Lindsay Lohan (leave it to the children to set us straight). So I told her, well, then... I'm Lindsay's mother! So my last minute costume change was from Lindsay to "Mrs." Lohan...

Happy Halloween, all! And good luck with the re-habitation and clean-up in San Diego.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

San Diego Wildfires - ash "fallout"

OK so a totally weird but in Ann's view, picture-worthy thing. The ash is still falling, and it gets in pools and makes for very dirty water. And as it turns out, dirty pool bottoms. Below is a picture of our creepy crawler pool cleaner, sucking up the film of ash at the bottom of our pool - you can see the tracks/path it takes as it's cleaning up...

Email update from yesterday

Ann, Jim, Jamie, Cookie and Candy are safe and back home. We were evacuated from Scripps Ranch yesterday around 3pm due to the Witch Creek fire. We were mostly packed, so Ann, Jamie, Cookie and Candy headed out about 4pm and Jim stuck around the house until about 9. We headed down to stay with Bill, one of Ann’s friends from work. THANKS BILL! We tried to make the adventure “fun” for Jamie – so we ate at Corvette Diner last night and had a slumber party with our sleeping bags on the living room floor at Bill’s. I think Jamie was a bit scared, she wanted to sleep in the middle between us so we opened up the sleeping bags into one huge bed and by the time we were finished, she was laying on top of the pile doing “snow angels.” We got some sleep, unlike the night before where Jim kept waking up to check outside…

San Diego schools are closed for the rest of the week. Jim’s office is closed today, Ann’s office is in an area that’s still evacuated so it’s closed at least through Wednesday. We’ll both work from home as much as possible, we have our computers with us. Air quality continues to be a concern, the ash is a tiny bit like snow at this point and from what we remember from the Cedar fire, it will take weeks to clear up and won’t be totally gone until we get several good rains. So, no outdoor activities and keep the A/C running continuously.

We really feel for the families who have lost their homes in this tragedy. We know of two friends so far who are impacted – Marcyn L (Rodney K's sister) and her family (she grew up in New Orleans with Ann) and Tony Z (who works with Ann). We’ll pass along the word as we hear what assistance they (or others) need…

Also, it’s sooo stressful to be evacuated and be glued to the TV hoping for a bit of news on your particular neighborhood and praying. We kept calling our house to hear our answering machine pick up (a good sign!). At its peak (so far) there were >500K people evacuated in the San Diego area. The fires still rage on, the winds are changing now so they are changing directions and are quite unpredictable. We are not unpacking the boxes with papers, pictures, etc., they’re sitting in our front hallway in case we need to evacuate again.

We hear that the news about the fires is sketchy outside of Southern California. If you’re interested in tracking, at least for now the best web site I’ve found is Regular programming is pre-empted here and it’s 7x24 coverage on TV…

Thanks so much for the emails, calls, etc. and sorry I haven’t answered each one individually. We’ll keep everyone posted if anything changes.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Back home again

We were evacuated around 3pm yesterday/Monday. Ann, Jamie, Cookie and Candy headed down to our friend Bill's house in University Park. Jim stuck around the house until about 9pm then met up with us and spent the night down there. THANKS so much Bill!!! After a nice breakfast out (where we ran into another co-worker) we got back to Bill's house and got the news at a noon press conference that Scripps Ranch is back open again. So we headed home and are glad to be here!

Schools are closed for the rest of the week, Ann's office closed at least until tomorrow (the fires are still in the Del Mar area near the office).

We'll email some updates as well and may post again later - Jim took some pictures of the fires in Poway just north of us after dark last night.

Monday, October 22, 2007

We've fine for now - San Diego Fires

It's Monday, we're both home from work and Jamie's school is closed. The air quality is poor so we're staying inside, but for now, all is OK in Scripps Ranch. There are police and tow trucks staged at the local grocery store parking lot, we think they are waiting there in case there is an evacuation order for our neighborhood. Also, the Vons/Safeway was a madhouse around lunch time, all the bottled water gone and lots of RVs in the parking lot (evacuees). Unfortunately, we've heard from one of Ann's friends from New Orleans (Marcyn) and they believe that their home in Rancho Bernardo has burned down. Our thoughts and prayers are with all those impacted by this emergency. Marcyn and her family may come stay with us for a while...

We're posting a few pictures, from the good times and bad below...

The annual Miramar Air Show, this year featuring the Thunderbirds... Jamie and I watched from a local park as the planes flew over Scripps Ranch.

This past weekend was the cheer competition for San Diego Pop Warner. Jamie and our Mitey-Mite squad were OUTSTANDING. At her age group, it's an exhibition performance only, but they did great! All three of the competing Scripps Ranch squads took first place in their divisions - Go Falcons!

And lastly, a couple of pictures of the smoke from our balcony this morning at sunrise and from yesterday afternoon when the fires were blowing smoke over to the west.