Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Heading Home – Monday, July 30th - Frankfurt to San Diego

Ahh, heading home. One last cruise on the Autobahn. A quick call to the Nurse’s Connection back at home to get last minute advice on Jamie’s nose. And FYI, when we got home we took her in to get X-rays and it wasn’t broken (or fractured) after all. But she had two black eyes for a week, and we got lots of questions about her injury – the wondering looks from strangers about whether they should call social services… It’s a weird feeling…

A little more efficiency at the Frankfurt airport than Barcelona. Two lines for VAT refunds – one across from the Delta counter to verify items you’ve packed in your checked bags. One after passport control for carry-ons. Then a final line where they give you cold, hard cash for your refund! Amazing!

We had an uneventful, nice flight back until we got to the Atlanta airport. Due to customs, you pick up your bags then re-check them, and also have to go through security a second time. We had some souvenirs in our carry-ons, things we were worried about breaking. Unfortunately, one of these was Jamie’s snow globe from Pisa. The security at the airport took it away and Jamie (and Ann) had a melt down. How the heck can you justify taking a toy/souvenir away from a child? How the heck could they think this was a risk to national security??? I begged. I pleaded. I asked for a supervisor. They kept suggesting that I could get back my checked bags and pack it in there (these bags were long gone). I kept trying to convince them that they should not do this to a child. I lost. The snow globe went in the trash. Jamie cried. I got angry. Am still angry. Enough said…

Finally… home. Lots and lots of friends ask, “How was your trip?” In writing this blog, there were lots of highlights, lots of adventures. However, overall, both Jim and I agreed that it wasn’t as much fun as our Panama cruise. It was different – it was great to be able to spend time with Dad and Nan. It was a quality trip. I think the difference was the destination. While Western Europe is a great place to visit – it’s really for adults or older teens. Museums, churches, history, art, architecture, archaeology, etc. With so many ports, and trying to make the most of each of these stops, we spent so much time off the ship, we lost the benefit of the Disney experience. No more of these for a while… we need “activity” vacations. Destinations where there is something interesting to do (skiing, snorkeling, a great pool, a theme park, etc.) that is interesting for both children and adults. No more (or limited) museums, history, etc. for a while!

We’re booked on two cruises for next year, may not take either one but want to keep our options open. Our 10-year anniversary is next year and we both want to play Pebble Beach and go wine-tasting up in Napa/Sonoma. So, we may limit our travel to the anniversary trip and then pump some money into the house – we need new flooring, painting, etc. – not as exciting as the Panama Canal, I realize… We’ll probably know where the ’09 summer sailings will be before we have to decide and make final payment on the ’08 sailings. We’ll keep everyone posted!

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