Sunday, July 15, 2007

Jetlagged in Madrid

Well, we’re off! Or rather, we’re here. Made it to Madrid, relatively on-time. We used Ann’s Delta miles and flew over in Business Class. It was quite nice and once you get used to Business Class, coach is sooo hard. We met a nice family in the Business Elite lounge at the Atlanta airport – Miguel Perez, Eva Nauas and their two children. With Ann’s Spanglish, we were able to communicate and get some recommendations about Madrid. We were able to get a bit of sleep on the plane, Ann more than Jim as Jamie selected to sit next to him 

Upon arrival, we came directly to the Hotel Preciados. We arrived around 11 am so the room wasn’t ready yet. We checked the luggage, then took the double decker red bus (Madrid Vision) around their red route. On the way to the bus stop, Jamie had her first “owie,” tripping on the uneven sidewalk and skinning her knee. This is Jamie’s first real experience with jet lag, so everything is so dramatic – oh the tears over that little scrape!!! We finally made it to the bus, then it was “it’s too hot… I want Cookie and Candy (our dogs)… I’m hungry…. I think I’m going to throw up… when can we go home (to the US)…”

We got off the bus to walk around El Rastro – it’s a street/flea market (only on Sunday). We were warned multiple times about the pickpockets, thankfully we didn’t have any issues. Lots of junk – very similar to the market Ann visited in Lisbon earlier this year. Jim said it was like a bunch of garage sales all in one place.

Then back to the bus and around the city, driving over the aqueduct with vistas of the city, past the Prado, driving along the side Parque del Buen Retiro and heading back down the Gran Via to our bus stop. Finally, after the countdown “only four more stops, Jamie… three more… etc.” we made it back to the hotel and are now “resting” in the room. It’s nice, rooms a bit small by US standards but about what we expected. It’s in a good location, fairly central.

We’re planning to head over to the Plaza Mayor in a little bit, and have an early dinner – if we can find a place that’s serving food during a fairly non-traditional dining hour. We saw most folks lunching about 2pm and dinners typically are no earlier than 8:30 pm. By that time we will be back at the hotel in bed!!!

Tomorrow we’ll go to the Palacio Real, walk through the park and may try to make it to the amusement park (Parque de Atracciones) that was recommended by our airport friends. Then Tuesday will be museum day and we’ll go to the Prado!!! Entry was free today, but I wanted to make sure we were awake and able to enjoy it, so we delayed until Tuesday (it’s closed Mondays).

Below is a picture of Jamie with her new Spanish friend!

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