Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Welcome to our new blog!

We're trying a new form of communication with family and friends - we'll see how we like it, but more importantly, tell us how YOU like it!

Jamie finished first grade today - WOW! That was fast! She'll attend a variety of day camps this summer, starting with a Girl Scout Painted Ponies camp next week. They'll horseback ride in the mornings then paint pictures of horses in the afternoons.

We're in planning mode for our big summer trip - we leave July 14th for a Disney Mediterranean Cruise. Many things to research, pack and buy! Ann's Dad and Nan are joining us, so it will be a good family trip.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Hi Ann, Jim and Jamie!

I like your blog and will look for updates. Keep up the good work. Enjoy the Disney cruise, but remember to save some time and money for your trip to Philadelphia. This city is a very exciting place for kids and it will be fun to take Jamie around. Besides, it's all the REAL deal ... not Disney. Say hi to Mickey Mouse for us. (I have never posted on a blog before ... did I do it right?) Love, Carolyn