Friday, May 8, 2009

Pictures from AT&T Store

Jamie and I saw Adam at his stopover at an AT&T wireless store, where he received a customized American Idol cell phone then got a text message from Simon Cowell with the judge's song choice for next week.
Not very crowded when we first arrived...
Adam arrives in the stretch limo...
He gets his new cell phone...
He reads the message from Simon.
Fans are mobbing him, it's crazy as he leaves!

Pictures from FOX 5 show with Adam Lambert

Pics from today - for details about the "Adam Day" see post below...

I was the first to arrive at the Fox 5 studio, at 6:15am... I had signs, the studio folks took my picture!

The "crowd" finally arrives...

Adam's ride for the day.

Adam being interviewed...

Ann's Day with Adam Lambert

So I’m taking a VC day today yet somehow got up at the crack of 5am to head over to the Fox 5 studios where Adam Lambert (American Idol top three finalist) was making an appearance. He was scheduled to arrive at 7am. I got there 6:15 and was the first one there. The next two ladies showed up around 6:30. By 6:45 there were about 10 of us – all ladies over 35 (cough, cough, some of us way over 35), several with their teenage daughters. Ultimately, there was a crowd of about 40, with several families (of station employees) along with the “granny” demographic. It was GREAT! Our small crowd was on several teaser commercials prior to Adam’s arrival – the news lady Shally Zomorodi was doing the red carpet interviews and she interviewed me during one of these preview spots and asked “if you could ask Adam a question, what would it be?” My answer: “After you win Idol, what type of album do you want to make?” Of course I should have said CD, but I guess I’m just showing my age. So then after Adam arrived, and she was escorting him down the red carpet, he was signing autographs and taking photos with fans – then she came up to me again, along with Adam and I got to ask him my question on TV! Whoo whoo! Of course, the answer was all a blur, some sort of rocky, edgy music, I think! I got several emails already from folks who saw me on TV – my 15 seconds of fame!

Link below to see me on TV!,0,6398117.story

Anyway, the TV station had monitors outside so we could watch the interviews inside – my impression in general – this guy is genuinely nice! He was very articulate, funny, still humble, all that good stuff. I hope he stays that way! While outside on the red carpet, he was totally into the fans and children, very patiently listening, answering questions, taking lots of time to stop. So on his departure, I got a couple of good photos with him...

Then, onto phase II of the morning. Last night when I asked Jamie about going to see Adam, she refused to go with me – she didn’t want to get up that early. Then when she heard I had pictures with him, an autograph AND was on TV she started wailing and crying “but Mom, I wanted to go…” So his 9am stop was at an AT&T store in Mira Mesa, just 8 minutes from our house. I packed her up with the school backpack ready (for the tardy drop-off) and we headed over to AT&T. Got there 8:30, a decent number of folks waiting, let’s say about 40. They had lots of security, a small 10x10 stage set up, some movie theatre velvet rope barricades. They had an MC, playing Adam’s songs from iTunes and doing Adam and Idol trivia, giving away AT&T ringtone cards. The crowd here did keep getting larger; ultimately I guess there were about 150 of us. But a much more mixed demographic – all ages, ethnicity, etc. Adam finally arrived (in the stretch white SUV limo with a magnetic American Idol emblem on the door). He was whisked into the store through a rear door. About 10 minutes later he appeared, and by this time, the crowd was jammed all around the small stage. He and multiple camera folks came onto the stage (there was an AT&T Uverse /spelling? crew, Channel 8 plus the AI cameras). The crowd was much rowdier than at Fox. Adam said just a few words (thanks for coming type stuff) and then started signing autographs. Then we found out the real purpose behind this visit – he was presented with a custom AI cell phone (all sparkly blue with the Idol logo) and then he got his first special text message on the phone – it was Simon – with the selection of song for next week (next Tuesday each contestant sings one song of their choice, one selected by the judges). Of course, there were multiple messages, I guess to avoid anyone being a “spoiler.” Adam read each of the messages while the cameras were rolling. I think there were two or three song alternatives – I only heard two (crowds screaming) – the first was a U2 song, the second song had “wicked” in the title or the artist and it seemed to be the one Adam was most excited about when he read the choice.

Anyway, after that, pandemonium reigned, with Adam making his way very slowly around the perimeter of this small stage with multiple cameras crowding around and the people in the back pushing, pushing, arms reaching, people screaming, you get the picture… Jamie got the autograph she wanted. But it was looking pretty bleak for a picture, with all the people crowding around. So I had her get on her knees, in front of the rope along the edge of the stage (at this point, hidden behind cameramen). When Adam finally inched his way over, I told her to stand up (and she obeyed!) and she asked Adam to please take a picture with her, and they both smiled and it is a GREAT shot. Of course then immediately afterwards, the 410 pound (not a joke, he gave his weight on TV) bodyguard gruffly told her to get off the stage – but the deed was done!

Sooo… After the excitement, off we went to school, only 55 minutes late and all are happy.

Adam is heading to his high school (there now) but I’m hearing that the stadium there only holds 4000 and there are both high school and elementary students, plus their families who will all be admitted first and all those total WAY more than 4000. So I’m skipping the high school stop – I’m guessing that will be featured prominently on next week’s Idol show, so I am totally fine with that. After all, we got more up-close and personal at these smaller events.

So, anyway, Jim is totally laughing at me, can’t believe the stories (no, I take that back, he knows me, he totally believes it!). I DVRed the Fox show on two different recorders, if I’m able to download somehow to my PC and edit, I might try to upload that to this blog, too.

Anyway, go Adam!

Happy Mother’s Day, all – and good weekend!