Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Jamie's Cheer Competition

Hi, everyone. I thought I'd test out Blogger's capabilties for uploading and sharing videos. I took this one of Jamie's cheer squad at their competition last weekend (November 2). They are too young to actually compete, but each Mitey-Mite squad (7 and 8-year-olds) got to perform a 2 minute routine. Hopefully you'll all recognize Jamie, she starts out in the back row, third from the left. Enjoy! (and go Falcons!)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Surfer Girl

Summer is over but not without a great send-off. We took a day and a few afternoons off the last week of Jamie's summer break and headed to Disneyland, the beach and got prepared for our big annual Kanafest party.

We caught up with Karen and her family (husband Dave and daughter Anita) who were visiting from Seattle. Very great to see them and share our Disney favorites.

San Diego Dog Beach was a great new experience for us and the girls. The very very smelly girls (the dogs, I mean). That's an experience I don't think I want more than once a year or so... Jamie had a blast, turned into a surf (boogie board) maniac. Very Southern CA, like, you know...

Kanafest was a success, with too much food, two very large batches (in a bubba tub) of margaritas downed and the kids hogging the pool... Sue, Sammy and Loren made it in from Arizona (we miss you!). Jill and her beau (now fiancee! Congrats) Don also drove down from Hermosa.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Emma Rose Clegg - Song Contest

For those who have lost the link, here is the link to the radio station web site where you can hear Emma's song... (they've taken the link off their main page)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy 10th Anniversary!

Jim and I just returned from a GREAT trip for our 10th wedding anniversary, wine tasting and golfing. This one was a bit of a turnaround - the golfing (at Pebble Beach) was my idea and the add-on of the wine tasting was his! Both are great hobbies of ours, so not too much of a stretch, but defintely a role reversal from some couples!

Email us if you want to see all the pictures - we posted them at Costco's photo site. I'll include some highlights here.

Thank you Nan (Nana) for coming over from Texas to stay with Jamie while we were gone - she had fun and said you put her to bed at 8pm each night?!? What's your secret???

We did three days of wine tasting, followed by two days of golfing, with some driving/travel thrown in. We planned the trip around the Pebble Beach tee times/dates, then added onto the front for our wine tasting. We had bid on and won a charity auction item at the San Diego Bay Food and Wine Festival last November, so we had three pre-paid nights at hotels in Sonoma/Napa. If you haven't done this particular festival, their Grand Tasting event is THE BEST! Non-stop quality wines and food pairings, like tasting in Napa without the driving.

We flew into Oakland, rented the car and headed straight to our first regular stop - Viansa. We love the foods and deli there, we really stopped for the food but were pleasantly surprised by the wine tasting this time, too. Then from there visited Valley of the Moon, Ravenswood and finally Landmark...

Our night was in Sonoma County, where we had a room at Landmark Winery. They have a guest house and guest suite - we stayed in the suite right in the same building as the tasting room. What a great, relaxing place! We highly recommend it! You'll feel totally immersed in the wine culture, with nonstop views.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Finally! New Pictures!

Sorry for the major delay in posting. I know, I know... EVERYONE is busy. Well today was a rare rainy day in San Diego so we've been catching up on long overdue items, this being one.

Our "stories" in pictures (by popular demand):

In December, we had our new annual tradition - a small wine tasting party where each guest brings a bottle of wine to taste along with food to complement it (or is it vice versa?!?). Picture below is of the (empty) bottles that were served. GREAT idea for a party, by the way! Very fun and fairly low preparation required!

Next, Jamie's 8th birthday party - this year she chose a party at home. We had an animal theme, with a great live animal show from Pacific Animal Productions. Here's our "baby" blowing out her candles.

Also in January (and in February, and in March...) - it's Girl Scout Cookie time! This year Ann is one of the troop's Cookie Moms so we are immersed in cookie paperwork, cookie boxes, cookie distribution, etc. Here's Jamie in sales mode.

Our first major trip in 2008 was a week-long ski trip to Breckenridge. We stayed at Beaver Run Resort, just at the base of Peak 9. The accommodations were average, but the location was GREAT. We skied 5 days and did a day of tubing at Keystone. I never thought I'd say it, but a week-long ski trip was a bit too long. We had allowed an extra day at the end of the trip to make it to Denver (in case of bad weather). We were calling the airline for options to return early, we were ready to play golf!!! But all in all, a good trip. Jamie is very comfortable (but cautious) on the slopes, and had fun in ski school for 3 1/2 days.

We had 3 fantastic weather days, the rest of the time it was a bit gray with some snow flurries. Our last ski day was sunny, almost Spring ski conditions. Jamie got tired of skiing, so Jim and I took turns with her at the resort pool. Great contrast to see her in her bathing suit and Jim skiing up to say "hi" in the background!

Family photo at Keystone... The next photo below is of the Keystone tubing hill. And finally, pictures of our own snow bunny!!!

On our way from Breckenridge to Denver, we made a stop at the Phoenix Gold Mine in Idaho Springs. Greeted by two old "geezers" totally in character with the mining theme, little did we know this would be one of the highlights of the trip! Totally fascinating tour, and quite a famous gold mine, too. Our guide chipped some small sample stones for everyone in the group so now we have our own gold-veined nuggets. I'd totally recommend this stop if you're ever in Colorado.